What converter can I use to make my video look like a professional movie quality?
Question by michaelman@pacbell.net: What converter can I use to make my video look like a professional movie quality? i apologize, im not great with video lingo, but i have a video where the footage runs fast,… Continue reading
Q&A: How to make a person look older for a movie part (with makeup)?
Question by Spotty: How to make a person look older for a movie part (with makeup)? Specifically, a guy. He needs to look a LOT older for a movie we’re making, close to adulthood, for the part. He has… Continue reading
How to make movie look professional?
Question by Brad: How to make movie look professional? Hi, I’m in highschool and currently directing a small movie project. I have a small budget of about $ 2000. My main question is what kind of camcorder and editing… Continue reading
Q&A: Is there a trick to making homemade movies look more professional?
Question by Sassyk210: Is there a trick to making homemade movies look more professional? I mean, even when you watch the bloopers of a movie, the coloring looks different than in the movie. Is there… Continue reading
How does my internship resume look?
Question by WeAreDoneProfessionally: How does my internship resume look? I am applying for a summer intership, could you tell me how my resume looks? At the moment, it is about a page and a half. I have omitted my… Continue reading