
If “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine were to be made into a movie what would the summary be.?

by mikebaird

Question by Izzy D: If “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine were to be made into a movie what would the summary be.? It’s for a History Project and i’m kind of stuck. The title is Paine-Free. I… Continue reading

Metanoia the first full 3d movie made by filipinos.made by less than 20 programmers with a budget less than…?

Question by : Metanoia the first full 3d movie made by filipinos.made by less than 20 programmers with a budget less than…? Metanoia the first full 3d movie made by filipinos.made by less than 20 programmers with a budget less… Continue reading

Q&A: Bone books by Jeff Smith made into a movie?

by Kevin H.

Question by : Bone books by Jeff Smith made into a movie? I recently heard that Warner Bros are going to begin making the Bone movie, based on the graphic novel series by Jeff Smith. I don’t… Continue reading


THE MAKING OF….from yesterdays pumpkin video (click here to see ). A Rockford Fosgate Punch 8″ Subwoofer in quite possibly the worlds first pumpkin speaker box. I spent way too much time today carving this thing out clean and… Continue reading

how are sex scenes in movies made?

Question by Squirrel: how are sex scenes in movies made? im assuming the actors dont actually have intercourse…so hows it done? what techniques make it so convincing?

Best answer:

Answer by Bela LugosiThere are no techniques. Man/girl approaches… Continue reading

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