
Is New Moon, Eclipse,and Breaking Dawn going to be made into a movie?

Question by ♥Meagan♥: Is New Moon, Eclipse,and Breaking Dawn going to be made into a movie? Twilight is going to do so well in the theatres so I really think they should make the rest of the series… they… Continue reading

Are the people who made the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe movie going to make the other movies?

Question by jenafur_h: Are the people who made the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe movie going to make the other movies? Were they just making the 2nd book a movie for fun, or were they planning on making… Continue reading

Does anyone know what you would call pictures/art made from dots/dashes/slashes/ etc. on a word processor?

by Coca-Cola Art Gallery

Question by : Does anyone know what you would call pictures/art made from dots/dashes/slashes/ etc. on a word processor? I recently watched You, Me, and Everyone We Know and in the movie two characters were making… Continue reading

Q&A: What text book should be made into a movie?

Question by Gardenfoot: What text book should be made into a movie? Hmm… I was thinking of a Middle School Social Science book would make a pretty good movie.

Movie as in film that you would pay for and… Continue reading

Q&A: How do you make a home made movie look like a film?

Question by theusernamee: How do you make a home made movie look like a film? How can I make my home mad movie have that dark glossy effect that films do I only have Windows Movie Maker and at… Continue reading

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