
How Vinyl Records Are Made PART 1 OF 2

How vinyl records are made. Part 1 of 2

My Sony Vegas made movie wont play on an imac?

Question by alien001: My Sony Vegas made movie wont play on an imac? I made a video in sony vegas and saved it, then clicked ‘make movie’ and of course it saved. afterwards i opened it up to see… Continue reading

Q&A: What decade do you think the best movies were made, and why? #2?

by Abode of Chaos

Question by Brittney M: What decade do you think the best movies were made, and why? #2? You’ve seen the question before, but I’m going to updated it now.

I think the best decade of… Continue reading

Q&A: What’s the scariest movie ever made?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by hobojoe179: What’s the scariest movie ever made? I’ve seen alot of scary movies and I don’t get scared to easily anymore. I need a movie so scary that it will scare a room full… Continue reading

What book should I read that has’nt been made into a series or a movie?

Question by JAM: What book should I read that has’nt been made into a series or a movie? I have a independent reading project and I need a book that hasn’t been made into a series or a movie.… Continue reading

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