
Q&A: If this story were made into a movie what would it be rated?

Question by : If this story were made into a movie what would it be rated? A team of computer programmers decide to set up a virtual universe within a highly advanced group of super computers. They set up the… Continue reading

How are Tim burton’s motion-stop dolls made?

by cal_harding

Question by : How are Tim burton’s motion-stop dolls made? In movies such as Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride, what is the material they use to make the bodies/heads, and what technique they use to make the… Continue reading

why are some making movies like vinci code & there was a documentry made about jesus christ burial ground?

by Cayusa

Question by venkatraman s: why are some making movies like vinci code & there was a documentry made about jesus christ burial ground? what are they out to prove if some people they want to believe they… Continue reading

Q&A: Where can I get a certain made for tv movie?

by Matt Brett

Question by Triskelion: Where can I get a certain made for tv movie? Many years ago I was fortunate enough to tape off the air a movie called The Making of a Male Model starring Joan… Continue reading

How to make a Movie I made with Windows Movie Maker on Vista work on XP?

by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer

Question by Blah B: How to make a Movie I made with Windows Movie Maker on Vista work on XP? For science class I was responible for making a video for… Continue reading

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