
onshouldersTv: RepRap 3d Printer Makes a Child

This episode is a journey in prototyping tech. Watch as a Darwin RepRap 3d printer makes a child Mendel printer capable of printing it’s own children. The power of this technology has yet to be realized. – Season 1 :… Continue reading

When a movie makes more money than it’s budget, who get its?

Question by John: When a movie makes more money than it’s budget, who get its?

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Q&A: What is the movie Dance Flick makes fun of?

Question by d.maria.l: What is the movie Dance Flick makes fun of? What is the movie dance flick makes fun of when megan gets pulled over and she is asked to blow on the brethalizer but instead she starts… Continue reading

Apollo Brown Makes A Beat

Twitter: MySpace: Watch as Mello Music Group producer Apollo Brown makes a beat from scratch. The beat will be featured on Apollo’s upcoming collaborative album with rapper Hasaan Mackey. Video Rating: 4 / 5

what makes a good movie?

Question by nikko bellic: what makes a good movie? i want to make movies so i need to no wat makes movies good ones so i can make good movies

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Answer by ☺♥♦Have A Laugh♣♠☻A bad… Continue reading

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