
Night at the Museum taking on local flavor

Pennies Image by Do I Exist? I used the stop-motion video feature on my Nikon D60 to make this. I took an individual picture for each frame, then put them together as a movie in-camera. For some reason, it’s playing… Continue reading

Night at the Museum taking on local flavor

Night at the Museum taking on local flavor When Lance Jenkins took over as manager of the Roanoke Canal Museum and Trail in August, he took an idea from a popular movie and began working on how to make it… Continue reading

Night at the Museum taking on local flavor

Night at the Museum taking on local flavor When Lance Jenkins took over as manager of the Roanoke Canal Museum and Trail in August, he took an idea from a popular movie and began working on how to make it… Continue reading

Artsworld – Qatar Islamic art museum – 27 Sep 08

Qatar’s new cultural jewel plus the ancient art of kite-making in Japan. On the skyline of Doha, the capital city of the Gulf state of Qatar a new landmark has emerged. The Museum of Islamic Art is the jewel in… Continue reading

Charles LeDray at the Whitney Museum – Review

stop me making movies of myself Image by bobcat rock "movies of myself" rufus wainwright

Stop me falling down, stop me making movies of myself

Put that old dog down, stop me making movies of myself

Bring the carriage ’round,… Continue reading

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