Q&A: Help. I really need 2 find inuyasha clips to download. the movie and episode clips in good quality. only mpg.?
Question by kagome956: Help. I really need 2 find inuyasha clips to download. the movie and episode clips in good quality. only mpg.? Some of the ones i’ve seen make me download software that dont even work. dont say… Continue reading
Q&A: I’m making a movie with special effects, and I need a video clip of just space, like stars only.?
Question by 80’s hair metalhead: I’m making a movie with special effects, and I need a video clip of just space, like stars only.? So can someone either send me a video clip or a website where… Continue reading
Q&A: Am I the only one that didnt like the movie inception?
Question by Brittany: Am I the only one that didnt like the movie inception? Literally everyone I’ve talked to said inception was such a great movie, the best movie ever, ect. But to me, it was just… Continue reading