
What is it about the ANIMATION of Disney sequels that make them not as good as the original movie animation?

by delphwynd

Question by MiNapi: What is it about the ANIMATION of Disney sequels that make them not as good as the original movie animation? Do they not color as well or does it have something to do with… Continue reading

Goapele- Closer The original music video 2001/no effects

The original closer video 2001 directed by Beto”Mooncricket”Lopez As you can see below this video was made by accident. I was making an EPK for Goapele before she got signed by Sony BMG and I just made it up as… Continue reading

The Process (aka Designing The Stop Sign Video) – ORIGINAL

What if there were no stop signs, and a major corporation was charged with inventing one? They’d brief their agency and let them do it. Sorta. Welcome to corporate creativity, where groupthink and endless revisions help good ideas get executed.

Back To The Future Part I Original Theatrical Trailer

Back To The Future Part I Original Theatrical Trailer Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Cleveland Tourism Board gave me 14 million dollars about 8 months ago to make a promotional video to bring people to Cleveland. As usual, I… Continue reading

Jeph Loeb, Co-Creator of the Original Teen Wolf, Looks Back

Jeph Loeb, Co-Creator of the Original Teen Wolf, Looks Back Loeb, in his younger days, with a certain someone. MTV’s Teen Wolf premieres on Sunday, but the sexed-up reboot has more in common with Twilight than the effervescent eighties cult… Continue reading

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