Q&A: will the twilight movie make more money than the sixth harry potter movie?
Question by peng.gao@sbcglobal.net: will the twilight movie make more money than the sixth harry potter movie? the twilight movie and the harry potter movie will be comeing out very close to one another, do you think the twilight movie… Continue reading
Radcliffe thanks Harry Potter for Broadway musical
Radcliffe thanks Harry Potter for Broadway musical As Daniel Radcliffe continues to break new ground as an actor, he hasn’t forgotten who got him his start: Harry Potter. Read more on Provo Daily Herald
Review: Sucker Punch, Delivered Sucker Punch… Continue reading
Harry Potter Potion Making
click to tweet! clicktotweet.com Sophia, Bella, Zephra and Gabby make a Running potion for the Harry Potter Half Blood Prince Potion contest on Youtube, or do they? 🙂 Zephra and Gabriela’s channel youtube.com Thanks for making the video with us!!!… Continue reading
Harry Potter vs. Voldemort Rap : Original Short
Exclusive! Harry Potter vs. Voldemort in an epic rap battle to determine who is the ultimate wizard! Indy Mogul features the Voldemort make-up effect in this Original Short test film. ‘Build’ episode: www.youtube.com Download the MP3: indymogul.com www.IndyMogul.com Lyrics Voldemort… Continue reading
Harry Potter – Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Breaks Franchise Record
Harry Potter – Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Breaks Franchise Record ‘Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part I’ is the highest grossing film in the franchise. The seventh movie featuring the adventures of the boy wizard has overtaken… Continue reading