
Q&A: where can i get prank call scripts online?

by David_Reverchon

Question by arandomhobo: where can i get prank call scripts online? a script that i can read while i am calling a random person?

Best answer:

Answer by CbreeThat sounds productive…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Dennis Quaid Interview on Ellen + Hidden Camera Prank 10/14/08 Part 2

October 14, 2008 Season 6 Episode 27 Dennis Quaid talks about his twins and his new movie The Express. Then they play a prank with the hidden camera on the local coffee shop.

What are some good prank call scripts?

Question by puppyloves: What are some good prank call scripts? I know that only immature people do prank calls, but I just wanna do one, one funny one in the last 14 years. Please? I wanna do one on… Continue reading

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