
How To Make An Amazingly Professional PowerPoint Presentation

A video showing simple features which allow you to create a professional and effective Powerpoint. Microsoft PowerPoint is a trademark of the Microsoft Corpo…

Killer Presentation Skills shows you a few of the simple behaviors you need become both comfortable and effective at public speaking.

Stingray – Feature Presentation

This is my own fan edit which makes use of the unused linking materials shot for the feature presentation of the Pilot, An Echo of Danger, Raptures of the Deep & Emergency Marineville. As the whole film had never been… Continue reading

Presentation Skills – Learn from the Best Presentation skills as Andy Harrington gives free training by teaching what he does while speaking to 6000 people at London’s 02 Arena Nobody can avoid the mastery of presentation skills if they want to be considered a true authority… Continue reading

Best Possible Presentation – Script Your Meeting For Success

by Shetland Arts

Best Possible Presentation – Script Your Meeting For Success

“The keynote speaker was great, but the rest of the program was torture!”

I have heard variations of that phrase following countless events. And it highlights one of… Continue reading

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