
In the movie Pulp Fiction: What is the make and model of wristwatch Butch (Bruce Willis) went back to get.?

Question by simplepete: In the movie Pulp Fiction: What is the make and model of wristwatch Butch (Bruce Willis) went back to get.? You know the one his girlfriend left on the bedside Kangaroo figurine: Captain Koons: Hello, little… Continue reading

Uncharted 2 Part 2: Pulp Realism

UNCHARTED 2 All Your History Are Belong To Us Before you go buy Uncharted 2, watch and see how Naughty Dog went from making zany platformers to photoreal adventure serials without missing a beat. FOR MORE MACHINIMA GOTO: www.youtube.com TAGS:… Continue reading

Pulp Fiction: The Best Movie Ever Made?

by Universal Pops (on and off)

Pulp Fiction: The Best Movie Ever Made?

If you like fast action, twisted plots, and a roller coaster of a ride that keeps you guessing even after the final credits roll, then Pulp Fiction… Continue reading

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