Making a Lathe Compound from Scratch
Slideshow and small video clip of the steps I used making a new compound for a collet lathe in class. Video Rating: 4 / 5
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) breaks down the official proposal of the Deficit… Continue reading
How can Masdar in the UAE be built from scratch?
Question by Thomas Waters: How can Masdar in the UAE be built from scratch? I just dont understand how an entire city can be built from scratch? Where does all the money come from, investors? How will they profit?… Continue reading
Crab Scratch Made Easy
Finally!!!! I got around to making an easier version of my previous crab scratch tutorial! Hope everyone who watches this gets it, and if you don’t, tell me what you don’t understand and I’ll do my best to help.
What are the steps in making a movie from scratch?
Question by jamshadingvar: What are the steps in making a movie from scratch?
Best answer:
Answer by hillabee_is_mestep 1: get an idea step 2: write a script step 3: find some actors step 4: get a camera step… Continue reading
Inside how and what goes in making a computer processor is made from scratch (sand).. lot more awesome things. See the journey of computer processor from sand to becoming a processing unit at one of the AMD Processor making unit. Video Rating: 4 / 5