
Is there a free blue screen editing software I can download?

Question by seanbm: Is there a free blue screen editing software I can download? Hi, I need this software for a animation im making but I dont want to purchase an expensive program for just one use. Is there… Continue reading

Tutorials – Screen Recording Settings – Camtasia

I really hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial. Tons of you have been asking me how I record my screen and so here is my settings! I hope you all enjoy! Camtasia Trial: Dare Blu (Desktop BG): Chris… Continue reading

Chroma-key/Green Screen?

Question by Upon this rock: Chroma-key/Green Screen? How do you make movies w/ green screen/chroma-key…i mean does the CAMERA matter, or the PC software. Can i just go out and buy a green screen & software for greenscreen, &… Continue reading

Why is it that when I play a full screen game or video, while also on the internet, my computer crashes?

by Shaojin+AT

Question by : Why is it that when I play a full screen game or video, while also on the internet, my computer crashes? A while back I was playing a game in full screen, when suddenly my… Continue reading

How to make a Microphone Wind Screen (Zoom H2) Ever wanted to make your own wind shield for just a few quid? This is a simple low budget way of protecting your microphone from awful wind noise. If you don’t fancy making one yourself, I now sell a… Continue reading

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