
Q&A: How much money does a song writer and screen writer make a year?

by vegetarians-dominate-meat-eaters-01

Question by Hello ツ: How much money does a song writer and screen writer make a year? I love writing scripts and story lines (not for books, but for movies or television or plays). I also love… Continue reading

Q&A: I;ve figured out how to make green screen effects with windows movie maker…How can I make the final product.?

by kiwizone

Question by ForTheLoveOfWords: I;ve figured out how to make green screen effects with windows movie maker…How can I make the final product.? So, I have downloaded the effects to use a green screen for windows movie maker.… Continue reading

How To | Ep. 1 – Recording Computer Screen

Hey guys, here is a quick video on how to record your computer screen in high quality with a program that I found out about. Make sure to check out blakescampbell channel. He is really funny and makes great videos.… Continue reading

Screen printing a shirt, How to screen print a t-shirt w/ Ryonet’s Hobby Kit

Brandon shows you the basics of printing a t-shirt using the Ryonet Screen Printing Hobby kit available @ starting at only 9.95! Introducing the NEW ”Screen Printing Hobby Kit”. With minimal investment, now you can own this complete package… Continue reading

Q&A: who according to u is/was/ the most cowardly/treacherous/smarmy/shameless villain in movie screen history?

Question by Mystery: who according to u is/was/ the most cowardly/treacherous/smarmy/shameless villain in movie screen history? if possible make a top 3 list.the more the merrier

Best answer:

Answer by PaulLord Voldemort, hands down, that guy is all… Continue reading

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