
Q&A: I can’t watch YouTube clips full screen on my new computer…?

Question by kardavr: I can’t watch YouTube clips full screen on my new computer…? I just got a sony FW. I can watch movies full screen just fine, but when I have a youtube clip and i click to… Continue reading

Are there any movie-making programs that have a feature where you can do like a “green screen”?

Question by makelovenothate: Are there any movie-making programs that have a feature where you can do like a “green screen”?

Best answer:

Answer by Carlo RAdobe Final Cut

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Even when I play my movies on windows media player and make it full screen the tool bars are still there?

by sahlgoode

Question by fluff_ball: Even when I play my movies on windows media player and make it full screen the tool bars are still there? The top and bottom ones with the controls how do I make them… Continue reading

Magix Movie Edit Pro 12 Green Screen Tutorial

my tutorial on how to use a green screen effect in magix movie edit pro 12 I’m getting a lot of questions on where to get a green screen. I bought a green sheet in the linen department at walmart… Continue reading

Creating green screen chromakey with Sony Vegas Movie Studio

Find more tips like this at – Here is the quick and easy way to create chromakey and green screen effects with Sony Movie Studio Find more videos and more info like this at my site at http Video… Continue reading

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