
New offerings on the big screen in Lansing this weekend

New offerings on the big screen in Lansing this weekend Movies are rated on 0 to 10 scale. Read more on Eaton Rapids Community News

Your Disney photos from Flickr, May 14 We pick a few of the best photos… Continue reading

I want to bring heroes back on screen: Salman Khan

I want to bring heroes back on screen: Salman Khan Mumbai, May 14 (IANS) The hero battling insurmountable odds – it’s a theme that has almost faded from Hindi films, but one man wants to bring it back. Read more… Continue reading

Salman: Wanted to bring macho man back on screen

Salman: Wanted to bring macho man back on screen The actor talks about his film Ready, his co-stars and marriage. Read more on

Sex and Christianity … you’ve got to be joking! Some say that, for about 20 centuries,… Continue reading

Silk Screen Asian American Film Festival starts sixth year with ‘I Am’

Silk Screen Asian American Film Festival starts sixth year with ‘I Am’ The Silk Screen Asian American Film Festival brightens local screens with an array of movies from some of the most exciting, original and heretofore-unseen cinema traditions on the… Continue reading

How do you make words move across the screen on Sony Vegas Movie Studio 6.0?

by puck90

Question by Syrup!!!: How do you make words move across the screen on Sony Vegas Movie Studio 6.0? I want to learn how to make the text move from either left to right or right to left… Continue reading

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