
Hometown name hits the big screen

Hometown name hits the big screen As the three-dimensional animated film Rio premiered at the Sayre Theatre Friday, many viewers were probably unaware of the local connection to the film. Read more on Morning Times


How do I correct image ratio loss when taking screen shots with PowerDVD?

Question by Annie: How do I correct image ratio loss when taking screen shots with PowerDVD? I use PowerDVD and have been trying to take screenshots of movies and shows to make icons and graphics, that sort of thing,… Continue reading

The Screen Savers: On the Set of ‘Bad Boys II’

Jessica Corbin visits with the boys of ‘Bad Boys II’ as well as director Michael Bay to get the scoop on the film and some of the shooting techniques. This originally aired in 2003 on TechTV’s The Screen Savers. Video Rating: 5 / 5

Information Overload: Practice screen etiquette

Information Overload: Practice screen etiquette By C.J. Castillo Read more on The Victoria Advocate

Make a date with ‘William & Kate’ Lost in all the pomp and pageantry leading up to the April 29 nuptials of Prince William and Kate… Continue reading

‘Atlas Shrugged’ finally comes to the screen

‘Atlas Shrugged’ finally comes to the screen A capitalist taken with Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel spends almost 20 years and $ 20 million of his own money to get the first third of it filmed. It has taken businessman John… Continue reading

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