Making your own touch screen computer with jukebox software
This is a video showing my new touch screen monitor that I have hooked up to my computer in my office. I show a weather application, jukebox software, and windows vista. Video Rating: 0 / 5
How to make a fake blue screen of death [Visual Studio]
*** FORM 1 Properties *** ~#Back color : Blue ~#Control box : false ~#Form border : NONE ~#show icon : false ~#show in taskbar : false ~#top most : true ~#Text : Blue death screen ~#windows state : maximized ~#Use… Continue reading
while using power dvd software, how do I eliminate the black box with green text at the top right of my screen
Question by danthouman: while using power dvd software, how do I eliminate the black box with green text at the top right of my screen it has informations uch as the speed at which the video is… Continue reading
How to make a YouTube movie using screen captures.
Question by ogdenwermstrom: How to make a YouTube movie using screen captures. I want to make a how to video on installing computer software. I would like to do it without using a camera, just using screen… Continue reading
Hey what good green screen special effectss thingy should I get?
Question by dudeskiwithskills: Hey what good green screen special effectss thingy should I get? …I’m wanting a good green screen thingy, so I can make cool movies with my friedns, but we want a green… Continue reading