
Lockerz PTZ Generator July 2010 Watch in FULL SCREEN

Instructions: 1- watch and enjoy the video 2- Send me a PM (send message) with your unused e-mail 3- Wait 3-48 hours for a lockerz invite with further instructions 4- Leave comments, subscribe, leave issues and i’ll help you as… Continue reading

I am a screen writer located in Jersey, looking for film producers?

Question by Geoffrey H: I am a screen writer located in Jersey, looking for film producers? in New Jersey who would be interested in investing their time and expertise to collaborate on a script and split proceeds if and… Continue reading

Robert Lantos Adapts ‘Barney’s Version’ for Screen

Robert Lantos Adapts ‘Barney’s Version’ for Screen After trying for 10 years, Robert Lantos has finally succeeded in making a film of “Barney’s Version,” his friend Mordecai Richler’s last novel. Read more on New York Times

The Pulse of Entertainment:… Continue reading

How do you make the screen flash white to make a scary movie in Windows Movie Maker?

by bloody marty mix

Question by Chelserbug: How do you make the screen flash white to make a scary movie in Windows Movie Maker? Like, for instance, you know how in scary movie previews, the screen flashes white, kind… Continue reading

Zack Black’s big air comes to the big screen

Zack Black’s big air comes to the big screen What: Warren Miller Entertainment’s ‘Wintervention’ Where: Summit Middle School When: 7:30 tonight Cost: $ 15 adults, $ 10 students Check out for more information about Warren Miller Entertainment, film details… Continue reading

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