
Facebook takes it to the big screen

Facebook takes it to the big screen Most of us tend to spend an inordinate amount of time on Facebook each day. Whether we are reading our friends’ status updates, writing on their walls or checking out their latest photo… Continue reading

Capt. Sully’s Story Takes Flight to the Big Screen

Capt. Sully’s Story Takes Flight to the Big Screen Capt. Sully has landed — in Hollywood. Flashlight Films has picked up the movie rights to Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger ‘s memoir, which recounts the pilot’s heroic landing of U.S. Airways… Continue reading

Silver Screen Sizzles

Silver Screen Sizzles designs and creates Sizzle Reels for your Book, Script, Company, Non-Profi, Self Promotion, or anything you can use a sizzle reel for. Sizzle Reels are short one to two minute videos synthesizing your idea into a quick… Continue reading

David Denby: Facebook hits the big screen.

David Denby: Facebook hits the big screen. 8220;The Social Network,” directed by David Fincher and written by Aaron Sorkin, rushes through a coruscating series of exhilarations and desolations, triumphs and betrayals, and ends with what feels like darkness closing in… Continue reading

‘Catfish’ asks what you can believe, online and on screen

‘Catfish’ asks what you can believe, online and on screen Like Facebook, this movie makes you wonder what is real A young man develops a romantic relationship on Facebook, only to find he doesn’t know what to believe. Read more… Continue reading

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