
DVD Has Hollywood Screenwriters Sharing Secrets of Success

DVD Has Hollywood Screenwriters Sharing Secrets of Success *For some reason, screenwriters are the low men (and women) on the totem pole in terms of the Hollywood pecking order. This disrespect persists despite the fact that the script is the… Continue reading

How Screenwriters in Los Angeles Can Attract a Literary Agent! Screenwriters who are looking to sell their scripts, get an agent, and navigate the business of Hollywood should check out The Business of Show Institute

Do entertainment attorney’s get screenwriters meetings with directors?

Question by Loving Life: Do entertainment attorney’s get screenwriters meetings with directors? I know that there are various ways to get a script sold like going to conferences, entering contests, etc. BUT, my question is this.

If a writer… Continue reading

How Los Angeles Screenwriters Can Attract a Literary Agent! Screenwriters who are looking to sell their scripts, get an agent, and navigate the business of Hollywood should check out The Business of Show Institute Video Rating: 0 / 5

Q&A: For those of you screenwriters out there who have sold a script: how’d you do it?

Question by Dan E: For those of you screenwriters out there who have sold a script: how’d you do it? if any of you out there were lucky enough to have a script sold, how did you sell it?… Continue reading

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