Q&A: How difficult is it to present HBO with a Script for a Cable Series?
Question by Darel P: How difficult is it to present HBO with a Script for a Cable Series? I published an E-Book about my career as a corrections officer in a Female Prison. It is a very… Continue reading
SupComFA Movie Series Chapter4 part 2 of 4
The Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Movie Series was created by me SPAZ (Erik Esparza) to show my appreciation to GPG aka Gas Powered Games for making an awesome RTS game. SupComFA is my favorite RTS game of all time next… Continue reading
Q&A: Are there going to be more movies of the Twilight series after the movie Twilight?
Question by Something about you is so..11:59: Are there going to be more movies of the Twilight series after the movie Twilight? Ok well what I’m asking is if they’re going to make movies for the other books in… Continue reading
Does anyone know if they’re making a movie version of the book series Evernight?
Question by Carmelina: Does anyone know if they’re making a movie version of the book series Evernight? i’ve read the books and loved them. So i was wondering if anyone knew if they were making movies out… Continue reading
Writing the TV Drama Series with Pamela Douglas
Pamela Douglas teaches at USC, has won the Humanitas Prize, been nominated for an Emmy, and has friends in televisions top shows such as NYPD Blue, ER, Greys Anatomy and more. She discusses television and its future and how you… Continue reading