
Is the flashbacks in american x history, black and white for a significant reason or just what?

by ocean.flynn

Question by jacob: Is the flashbacks in american x history, black and white for a significant reason or just what? I watched american x history the other day, and i was wondering why the flashbacks in the… Continue reading

A little a day: All that loose change can add up to some significant savings

A little a day: All that loose change can add up to some significant savings Many people don’t track what they spend and may not realize when expenses add up to more than their budget can handle. Try using envelopes:… Continue reading

~~~Can you please help me understand this dream? It seems very significant. Please and Thank You, 10 points =]?

by ShellyS

Question by Hi, my name is [______]: ~~~Can you please help me understand this dream? It seems very significant. Please and Thank You, 10 points =]? My dream was vivid, in color, and I could feel emotions.… Continue reading

Reliable Tips for Making significant online Money through Affiliate Marketing

by quapan

Reliable Tips for Making significant online Money through Affiliate Marketing

Most of these tips are widely known and we don’t pretend to have the “Big Secret” to success. If there really is a big secret at all, it… Continue reading

Can simply storylines/plots for movie(not scripts) be sold to production companies for a significant profit?

Question by jesus freak: Can simply storylines/plots for movie(not scripts) be sold to production companies for a significant profit? I am a hopeful screenwriter, but I am best at writing storylines/plots rather than actual scripts. Any info?

Best answer:… Continue reading

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