
Q&A: What would be a good camera/microphone set up to make a armature movie without spending thousands of dollars?

Question by : What would be a good camera/microphone set up to make a armature movie without spending thousands of dollars? I want to make a movie over the summer but nothing too serious just a satirical narrative type movie.… Continue reading

Noam Chomsky on US Economic Crisis: Joblessness, Excessive Military Spending and Healthcare

DemocracyNow.org – President Obama sent his new jobs proposal to Congress on Monday with a plan to pay for the 7 billion package by raising taxes on the wealthy. Democracy Now! interviews MIT Professor Emeritus Noam Chomsky, who says “huge… Continue reading

Understanding needs vs. wants: Teaching kids the value of money leads to smarter spending choices

Understanding needs vs. wants: Teaching kids the value of money leads to smarter spending choices WHAT IS IT? •The Pacific Daily News is launching its latest annual community awareness project, and this year’s goal is to help island residents of… Continue reading

Bad economy has teens changing their spending habits

Bad economy has teens changing their spending habits It’s been a few years since the economy went south, and it doesn’t seem to be improving much. Everything is increasing in cost, especially gas prices, college tuition and even bridge tolls.… Continue reading

Waste And Abuse: The Refuse Of The Federal Spending Binge (Part 2 of 2)

Waste And Abuse: The Refuse Of The Federal Spending Binge (Part 2 of 2) – House Oversight Committee – HVC 210 – 2011-02-17 – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Thursday’s hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and… Continue reading

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