
Review: Paranormal Activity 2 Overstuffed but Still Spooky

Review: Paranormal Activity 2 Overstuffed but Still Spooky Review in a Hurry: A year after the original became a surprise (and very scary) blockbuster, this found footage-style sequel surfaces packed with lousy characters and unneeded mythology. But then… Read more… Continue reading

Since we can stream most movies on Netflix, how do the movie companies still make money?

Question by PatoJAM: Since we can stream most movies on Netflix, how do the movie companies still make money? this is scarry, isn’t it?

Best answer:

Answer by Miranda

Portal – Credits Song ‘Still Alive’

The song ‘Still Alive’ at the end of Portal during the credits. GLaDOS Myspace/MP3/Companion Cube Wallpaper at the bottom of the description. ‘Still Alive’ by Jonathan Coulton: and sung by Ellen McLain (GLaDOS, TF2 Announcer, HL2 Overwatch Administrator) I… Continue reading

How come illegal movie sites are still running?

Question by Sean: How come illegal movie sites are still running? \How come these movies site are still up and running? Is it because there hosting are in other country’s? Also how do they make money to keep these… Continue reading

im graduating and still sort of confused on wat to major in–career issue!?

by quapan

Question by sExYgYaL: im graduating and still sort of confused on wat to major in–career issue!? ok im graduating highschool right now. my grades are real good and im really good in math(i got an 86 on… Continue reading

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