Q&A: How much does an independent movie theater make in a year?
Question by touche2851: How much does an independent movie theater make in a year? I’m doing a business project for school and have to figure how much I would make yearly and how fast I could pay… Continue reading
How do you make a movie theater in Sims 2?
Question by Julia: How do you make a movie theater in Sims 2?
Best answer:
Answer by Dor GYou can’t unless there is a mod.
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whats the best position to be in while making out in a movie theater?
Question by Jack: whats the best position to be in while making out in a movie theater? i was making out with my girlfriend in a movie and we were both really uncomfortable. whats the best position to be… Continue reading
I want to make a movie for the theater?
Question by chefjosh87: I want to make a movie for the theater? Is it possible for me to make a movie using my house and stuff and be able to sell it to movie theaters? How can I make… Continue reading
Q&A: Movie theater questions?
Question by Camp: Movie theater questions? Im doing a homework for buisness class, and my buisness is that my company makes movies and also sells them, also i said that we work with companies to screen and sell their… Continue reading