
CURLFORMERS on natural hair: Mae’s Review & Tutorial

[Click the arrow for more info! vvvv] Twitter: twitter.com Blog: www.naturalchica.com Facebook Fan Page www.facebook.com In this video, I show you how I used curlformers to create curls in my natural hair. I also give an example of a style… Continue reading

Polymaniacs – Tutorial: Ello Turtle

This was requested by Catherine a few weeks ago, sorry I took so long to make a tutorial! (: Original Creator: cutieexplosion.deviantart.com MERCH: www.districtlines.com INSTAGRAM: PaperPastels TWITTER: www.twitter.com WEBSITE: www.helloashleyann.com ONLINE STORE: www.paperpastels.com MY CHANNELS: VLOG: www.youtube.com BEAUTY: www.youtube.com CRAFTS:… Continue reading

Ukulele lesson – strumming methods tutorial – beginner uke easy

Go to yourguitarsage.com to find out how to get a free guitar ebook that will have you playing guitar today!!! This ukulele lesson vid shows you strumming methods on the uke. For more ukelessons, see my other free tutorials. For… Continue reading

MOUNTAIN BIKE TRICK TIP: World’s Best How to Wheelie Tutorial

How to wheelie/mono/catwalk your mountain bike forever! Get expert coaching from professional instructors who know how to teach effectively and safely, at www.zepmountainbikecamps.com.

If you enjoyed the video I would appreciate a “like”, Thank you! Episode 19 of Go Vacation… Continue reading

Nicki Minaj – Fly ft Rihanna Official Video Makeup Tutorial

CHECK OUT MY MAKEUP SITE & ENTER GIVEAWAY HERE: www.TymeForBeauty.com Thank you to all 46k+ of you guys that have supported my channel it means so much to me! Please sign up for my new site launching August 31, 2012!… Continue reading

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