Polymaniacs – Tutorial: Keroppi
This is simply a tutorial on how to make Keroppi from Sanrio. (: My Etsy! www.etsy.com Like Sarah & Ashley on Facebook: www.facebook.com Thank you for watching! BEAUTYWITHME: www.youtube.com TWITTER: www.twitter.com FORMSPRING: www.formspring.com For business inquiries e-mail me at: SuperAshleyann@gmail.com
Minecraft Tutorial- Setting up a Server (.jar file, Windows 7)
PLEASE READ!! I am no longer answering questions for this video. Unfortunately I don’t have time right now to answer them. I’m very sorry! The line of code: java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar If the above code doesn’t work, try:… Continue reading
Minecraft 201 – Team Mojang’s Hidden Piston Door Tutorial – No Visible Redstone
A Kind Of Long Tutorial on how to make the Hidden Piston Door like jobs from team Mojang, its a longish tutorial but after this video you will learn how to do it and why everything works. Video Rating: 4… Continue reading
Minecraft Tutorial #2 – How to Build a Beach House 1/2
Here I show you how to build a beach house step-by-step. The resources you will need are: Wooden Planks – 674 Wooden Slabs – 77 Glass – 54 Fence – 173 Wooden Stairs – 9 Levers – 3 Doors –… Continue reading
Multiclip Editing Tutorial on Final Cut Studio / Ramzo16 BTS
Here’s a tutorial in Final Cut Studio about how to do a Multiclip edit. I’m using footage from a Music Video I shot with Ramzo16 an musician from Toronto, Ontario. Ken Domik KBDProductionsTV YouTube – www.youtube.com Twitter – twitter.com FaceBook… Continue reading