Where To Purchase Marine Uniform?
Question by twinsnake4: Where To Purchase Marine Uniform? Making a independent movie with somewhat low funds/minute connections for Wardrobe. Wondering if anyone here has any spare uniforms for sale/rent (a few days)?
Anyone knows any… Continue reading
Can someone give me a picture of their (or a) school uniform for a movie contest?
Question by Kristine S: Can someone give me a picture of their (or a) school uniform for a movie contest? Hi!
Well me and my friends are in a movie making contest are part of a film… Continue reading
Can someone give me a picture of their (or a) school uniform for a movie contest?
Question by Kristine S: Can someone give me a picture of their (or a) school uniform for a movie contest? Hi!
Well me and my friends are in a movie making contest are part of… Continue reading
Can someone give me a picture of their (or a) school uniform for a movie contest?
Question by Kristine S: Can someone give me a picture of their (or a) school uniform for a movie contest? Hi!
Well me and my friends are in a movie making contest are part of a film festival for… Continue reading
How To Cosplay: Make A Sailor Fuku (School Uniform)!
(C) thecosplaychronicles.vze.com Step By Step guide on how to make a Japanese Sailor Styled School Uniform. Suitable for numerous characters like Sailormoon, Suzumiya Haruhi, Azumanga and TONNES more O_O! ************************************** This video took me soooo long to churn out u_u… Continue reading