
Q&A: Sony Vegas making movie?

Question by Kiara: Sony Vegas making movie? When I hit the ‘make movie’ button on my sony vegas it only saves 1 second of it. I want to upload it to youtube but it won’t save the whole thing,… Continue reading

[Tutorial] Sony Vegas Pro 10 | Youtube HD-1080p Render Settings, & My Colour Correction Settings.

[Tutorial] Sony Vegas Pro 10 – Youtube HD-1080p Render Settings, & My Colour Correction Settings. Get Pro 10 here: Give me a like and Subscribe to my channel by clicking here: Add me on Steam: Software: Sony… Continue reading

Q&A: Vegas Movie Studio Won’t Render?

Question by clairebear: Vegas Movie Studio Won’t Render? So I went on a trip, took some videos, came home, put them together, added transitions, and went to render it. Then it told me I couldn’t. Anyone else had this… Continue reading

(Narrated)How to make High Quality HQ widescreen video with Sony Vegas Pro. Ok Ive been meaning to make this video for a while now, but here it is, how to make widescreen High quality videos for youtube. Its super easy. Just follow these steps and you’ll be on your way. Camtasia… Continue reading

Tutorial Jak renderowac w HD – Sony Vegas, After Effects, Movie Maker oraz Fraps [Rectiv13]

Jest to tutorial w którym pokazujemy jak Nagrać filmik z gry za pomocą Frapsa oraz jak wyrenderować nagrany film w HD. Potrzebne strony: Fraps – Windows Movie Maker – After Effects – Sony Vegas –

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