Q&A: Sony Vegas?
Question by Albert P: Sony Vegas? I am 14 and i looove movie making, amvs, real live, etc. I have used Movie maker for long and it is getting incredidbly boring and i want to try new… Continue reading
Ok how do I make a kamehameha or a Rasengan on Sony Vegas? I have Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum Edition?
Question by Different Uchiha: Ok how do I make a kamehameha or a Rasengan on Sony Vegas? I have Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum Edition? I don’t know how do to it i really don’t… Continue reading
Q&A: Does Sony Vegas Movie Studio come with free sample music?
Question by David S: Does Sony Vegas Movie Studio come with free sample music? I am in the process of making a video, and my friend said this editor came with some free music to use for your clips,… Continue reading
Anyone know how to make a video clip shake from side to side using sony vegas movie studio 8.0?
Question by stu008: Anyone know how to make a video clip shake from side to side using sony vegas movie studio 8.0? cause i saw it on another video and i’m not sure how to do it.… Continue reading
AMV Making Tutorial – Sony Vegas – Basic guide.
AMV Making Tutorial. =============What’s in it??================ Adding Clips: 0:00-0:27 Widescreen Clips: 0:27-0:38 Flashes: 0:38-1:01 Radial blur: 1:01-1:20 Chroma Keyer: 1:20-1:38 Masking: 1:38-2:20 Coloured: Flashes 2:36-2:55 =============Download Links=============== Matrix Data: www.sendspace.com This Song: www.sendspace.com Song I used for editing: www.sendspace.com ============================================… Continue reading