
Q&A: Subtitle and Sony Vegas Movie Studio Help?

by coconut wireless

Question by runlittlemesa_run92: Subtitle and Sony Vegas Movie Studio Help? I am making a video using Sony Vegas Movie Studio and I want to create my own subtitles for it. Can you tell me how? Any… Continue reading


Question by Dyari p: SONY VEGAS SPECS QUESTION? hey im currently using sony vegas pro 9. i seems my computer cant handle it. im only producing a video 4-5mins long or equal to 1 song. but after it passes… Continue reading

Sony Vegas Pro or Windows Movie maker, which one?

by nimboo

Question by basesareloaded: Sony Vegas Pro or Windows Movie maker, which one? I am making a photo slideshow with music, transitions, and text for a celebration. which one would be better to use? I have both software,… Continue reading

Sony Vegas 9.0 Special Effects Compilation / Montage

This is my third compilation of special effects. This one consists of new effects and some old ones but they will be much improved on previous attempts. In this video there are; shooting guns (hands), Cloning, Flying and Landing, Head… Continue reading

What does Sony Vegas Pro 8 have that Movie Studio 8 doesn’t have?

by eviloars

Question by Amanda: What does Sony Vegas Pro 8 have that Movie Studio 8 doesn’t have? So what are the big differences between the two that makes vegas pro like $ 600? I have a lot of… Continue reading

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