
Classic Game Room – FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS review

Classic Game Room reviews FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS for Playstation 3 PS3 (also available for Xbox 360 and PC). Fallout New Vegas is very similar to Fallout 3 in many respects except that it takes place in the Western United States… Continue reading

How do you make effects move on sony vegas movie studio?

Question by Taylor M: How do you make effects move on sony vegas movie studio?

Best answer:

Answer by Ponyou need to learn keyframing.

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More Awesome Text Effects (liquid) – Sony Vegas Tutorial

Other editing programs have composite modes such as Multiply Mask like in this tutorial too watch the first text effects vid here: Following on from the last Text Fx tutorial I discovered some really neat editing tricks whilst making… Continue reading

How do you make words move across the screen on Sony Vegas Movie Studio 6.0?

by puck90

Question by Syrup!!!: How do you make words move across the screen on Sony Vegas Movie Studio 6.0? I want to learn how to make the text move from either left to right or right to left… Continue reading

Q&A: Why won’t my Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 successfully render my project?

by coconut wireless

Question by tarryfairy: Why won’t my Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 successfully render my project? Whenever I try to make a movie out of my project, the final product is always incomplete. Random clips will just… Continue reading

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