Star Wars, The Elevator
A short movie I made for the Lego Star Wars Movie Making contest. Hope you enjoy it. Video Rating: 4 / 5
Part 2 of 3: This segmented interview will be aired around ZDAY March 15th 2009 on Edge Media… Continue reading
Weekly Book Buzz: The Making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Weekly Book Buzz: The Making of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Fairly light this week in terms of new releases. For Star Wars fans, Lucas Books and Random House release a gorgeous coffee table book “The Making… Continue reading
Making of the Computer Graphics for Star Wars (Episode IV)
(1977) The computer graphics for the first Star Wars film was created by Larry Cuba in the 1970s at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) (at the time known as the Circle Graphics Habitat) at the University of Illinois at Chicago.… Continue reading
Star Wars meets The Princess Bride – The Chatty Duelists
A new twist on one of the best swordfights ever. I started this little project three years ago as a way of learning my effects software. After the first five shots or so I had figured out the software reasonably… Continue reading
Bill Scher: The Health Care Ad Wars: “Cutting Medicare” = “Reckless Spending”
Bill Scher: The Health Care Ad Wars: “Cutting Medicare” = “Reckless Spending” In a New York Times article about the upcoming remake of the movie “Arthur,” the original film’s producer was asked about the ridiculous conclusion, where… Read more on The Huffington Post