Guild Wars Item Desc Crop Tutorial FR (Photoshop)
Vidéo montrant comment traiter rapidement énormément d’images de descriptions d’items à destination d’un site de vente Guild Wars, sous Photoshop.
Lego Star Wars Movie Making Contest – Echoes
This was an entry to the Lego Star Wars Movie Making Contest held in 2007.
From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga – Part 2 of 7
Making of Return of the Jedi, but takes in the general history of Star Wars and includes lots of behind the scenes footage of the creatures and special effects. 1987. Part 2 of 7.
Star Wars Lego: It’s hard to be a Stormtrooper 1
Here’s a short Lego Star Wars movie I created for a Lego Star Wars Movie contest. The movie was created using 3ds max 9. Video Rating: 4 / 5
Yes, the same great movie, but with longer and added scenes,… Continue reading