The Dark Knight Trailer – Inception Style

Be sure to watch in HD. Thanks to the awesome viewers: #9 – Most Discussed (May 17) – Film & Animation #38 – Top Favorited (May 17) – Film & Animation #46 – Top Rated (May 17) – Film & Animation #59 – Most Viewed (May 17) – Film & Animation – South Africa #58 – Most Viewed (May 17) – Film & Animation – Canada #72 – Most Viewed (May 17) – Film & Animation – Poland #46 – Most Discussed (This Week) – Film & Animation #94 – Top Favorited (This Week) – Film & Animation *** No…this isn’t part of WSAYO Chapter III. I apologize to those who were expecting something else as my next upload. Don’t worry though…it’s coming. We’ll pick up things again soon. I know I’ve sort of disappeared, but you should expect that from me by now. 🙂 So, after watching the BRILLIANTLY AWESOME new Inception trailer for the 600th time, an idea sort of clicked in my head. This is a trailer for TDK, set in the style of the recent Inception trailer – music, titles, etc. This isn’t TDK scenes spliced over the Inception trailer – this truly does serve as a trailer for TDK that’ll maybe make you wanna go back and revisit the film, or remember why you liked it (or didn’t, LOL). Anyhow, I liked the idea and I think it turned out alright. It’s a little rough in some places, but I really did want to get back to WSAYO…so I didn’t slave over it. 🙂 It was definitely fun to put together, and honestly, July 16 can’t get here fast enough. Bring on Inception! As always, enjoy! **This video is made purely for fun

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