The Digital Camera the Most Versatile Marketing Tool
The Digital Camera the Most Versatile Marketing Tool
It is That Time Again For the Retailer.
The Holiday season is just around the corner. We have been busting our butt getting ready for it. We have been stuffing our online store with merchandise, getting ready for the sales for this time of the year. One of the tasks we had to take care of in the last little while, has been the photographing of our merchandise. This is where I have come to truly appreciate that little piece of equipment that we call the Digital Camera.
I spent many years working with a 35mm SLR and I would look down on these little cameras. But a few years ago, we had to make a decision about how to cut costs, and how to get the pictures up onto the Internet faster. We live in a small town, and the one hour photofinish was terrible
We purchased a 2 megapixel Digital Camera, which was adequate for our needs. We then progressed
to the 5 megapixel and we currently own an 8 megapixel camera. These little things are incredible. I have not picked up my SLR in years!
Not only are they great for photos they can also be used as camcorders! I am now putting up short advertising videos on YouTube! I have fallen in love with these little cameras! They are so incredibly versatile. You can carry them in your pocket or even put them in your glove box. Every small business person should have one or two. We can take a series of photographs, and then we take the memory card out of the camera and slip it into our card reader
Why a card reader? This ensures that the camera will not be accidently dropped while connected to the computer (this has happened before). Memory cards are cheap now. You can acquire a 1 GB card for around 10 bucks. We have several of these cards. And they can hold an incredible
number of photographs and a dozen or so YouTube videos. Actually, I have never filled up a 1 GB card.
You will also need several rechargable batteries. These little demons can consume batteries like you would not believe. If you read reviews about Digital Cameras, this is the biggest complaint.
These cameras are a must have for any one that sells on Ebay or has an online store. The resolution can be as fine as you want it and the price is coming down at an alarming rate. I pick up cameras when they are sale, as they are outdated in months, and not years, like in the early days. The Videos are good enough for YouTube? Many of the videos on YouTube are made with with inexpensive webcams. I was quite startled to see some of the quality of “popular” youtube videos. They are not even close to your 6 o’clock news type videos. Many people just use a webcam and a mic.
There is no scripting for their videos. Many of them are just talking heads
Take a look at them, and see for yourself. Pick up some digital cameras and start shooting to your delight. But make them interesting. Make people want to see them.
Richard McDuff has been selling on the internet for 8 years. You can find more of his writings at his blog
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