The Myths about Sales
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the essence of the old numbers game: “I was making 200 to 300 calls a day. It was taking 6 or 7 hours, and I was lucky to get 10 seconds of my script in before agents would hang up on me.”
She said that in the first month that she began applying the Mindset, her call volume dropped by 80 percent. “But I was having actual dialogues with 50 to 60 people a day — real conversations that would last several minutes,” she said.
“And I didn’t have one hang-up in my first 100 calls. Now I get very few hang-ups, and they aren’t rude — a lot of the time, people ask me to call them back. And when I do, we usually a conversation.”
Ann said she used to set one appointment every 2 weeks. When she began using the Mindset, that increased to about 4 appointments a week, and she signed 2 agents in less than 3 weeks. She has also had more people call her back