The Origins Of Gang Girl Aka Surredner ? A Note From The Producer, Damian Bailey


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finally the film was completed. There are a lot, I mean A LOT of things I wish I could’ve done over but I have no regrets. I managed, with the grace of God and help from friends and crew, to do something most first time filmmakers never do: make a feature on a shoestring budget and get distribution without a festival. This film SURRENDER that is now known as GANG GIRL was MY film school and I’m grateful for it.

From the idea of a play to enlighten youth about gangs and drugs in America to a feature film about young women and gangs; finally we can educate the youth that love conquers all.

Gang Girl will be available on DVD everywhere starting March 23rd.  Buy it, Rent it, or Queue it up!

 ~ Damian Bailey

Gang Girl, Writter, Director, and Producer

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