The Secrets of Making Cool Money Online
The Secrets of Making Cool Money Online
Online money making is no longer a new thing, because the reality of making money online has been proven over time. As such, making tons of cash on the internet is no longer the issue, but the concept has now shifted to the “secret of making money online”.
The most important of this or better still, where all online secretes have its end point is in “web Advertising and Affiliate Marketing” (the most vital tool of making money online). Anyone who is serious about succeeding in making money online should think twice if web advertising is not given a paramount attention in order to promote affiliate marketing. This is because web traffic is the life blood of any online business.
The fact is that even if your affiliate product is the best and the most sought for, you won’t be able to make any sales if you don’t tell people about it to generate interest from your potential customers. With “Web Advertising”, you have total control over the amount of traffic, sales and profits you want to get from your affiliate marketing business.
Here are some of the elements of the Secretes;
1. Web Advertising through “Buzz Generation”
If you’ve ever seen a movie preview, then you already know what Buzz Generation marketing is.
This tactics uses anticipation build up to generate massive interest in your web site before it is “officially” available to the general public. The trick with this tactics is to tell everyone you can about your site. But you need to do it in such a way that it creates an aura of mystery thereby generating a huge curiosity to know more. Buzz Marketing however, kicks your promotional efforts into high gear when done properly.
2. Classifieds
Online classified may be used to build one-way link popularity. In some cases, they may net you actual traffic.
You need to be really choosy with classifieds, though. Many of the free sites are junk, and your ad won’t be read.
Instead, I’d recommend placing classifieds in online versions of newsletters/ezines or any targeted content heavy sites that are set up to resemble a magazine. Double check, though, that their classifieds section (if any) appears well-organized and up-to-date.
It’s also better if they charge a fee for placement, as this limits the freebie advertisers from cluttering up the listings.
Remember: any classified you place should a be a “teaser”
3. E-Mail
Email remains the number one method of communication between subscriber and merchant because it is versatile, it is cheap and it is ridiculously simple to use.
Take note of this statistic: it can cost you triple (or more) to attract a new customer than it costs you to retain an existing one.
This is why businesses build lists in the first place. It’s a proven fact that repeat sales will make up the bulk of your profits. It’s also proven that the average prospects needs to see your message somewhere between 7 to 11 times before deciding to buy. You must get your visitor’s email address when he visits your site, so you can follow up with him. Otherwise, he’s probably gone for good.
With all this put in place to promote an affiliate business online you can achieve great success in making lost and lots of cash online.
Harry Madu is an internet market reviewer and has reviewed several books on how to make money online. Therefore, I recommend the manual that can be found at [].
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