The Wedding Officiant’s Fee
The Wedding Officiant’s Fee
I was flabbergasted to receive an email the other day, chastising me for our 9 Classic Custom ceremony fee. According the writer’s calculations, the fee for a “15 minute ceremony” resulted in us obtaining the astronomical hourly rate of ,476! Wowza! If that were true, I’d be writing this article from my summer mansion on the shores of the Mediterranean while my cabana boy massaged my tootsies!
Couples often have to rein in their wedding day festivities to accommodate their budget. And make no mistake about it–the wedding business is a multi-billion dollar industry with the average cost of a wedding hovering above ,000. A professional job well done is worth a fair price, however, and it seems our unhappy writer above was unaware of the time, work and expense put forth by a high-quality officiant.
So, if you’ve been