There is like a million things on the internet about the best book ever TWILIGHT being turned into a movie?
Question by christina: There is like a million things on the internet about the best book ever TWILIGHT being turned into a movie?
So i was just wondering/thinking if like everyone emailed summit or who ever bought the rights to the book and told them how much thousands of people want to see that movie do you think they would speed up the process or at least start choosing some characters i wish we could like make them make there decision faster I’ve read Twilight and New Moon and i hope to Buy Eclipse this weekend but then i know when i buy Eclipse i will like read it in a day and be dying to read Breaking Dawn which wont be out till Fall 2008 so ill be in agonizing pain waiting forever for it. I read the first chapter to Midnight Summer im ready to read it but i didnt know if she was absolutely positive about publishing it or not….anyone know but it is like all Edwards thoughts or at least the first 20 pages that i read was it was like her first day of school and what he was thinking and everything.
Best answer:
Answer by celebstar
I wouldn’t say that it is the best book ever.
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