TWILIGHT FANS! this is about the movie they are making of the book Twilight~?
Question by ~chels~: TWILIGHT FANS! this is about the movie they are making of the book Twilight~?
So i was really happy when they picked the girl to play bella in the movie but they picked the kid to play edward
the kid who plays Cedric in harry potter 4. . . if youve seen it
I am not really happy with him as edward. . what do you think about him playing Edward?
“the girl who plays bella’s name is… I’ll have to look it up later but if you have seen the messenger, the main girl in that” I think her name is Kirsten something. . .
Best answer:
Answer by vlyplyr
ill have to see a picture of him again…
oh, well…it could be worse, i guess, though he would not be my first choice
who does bella?
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