Uploading HD Quality Videos To YouTube
This tutorial will teach you how to upload HD quality videos to youtube using there new feature allowing this. It is extremely easy to do in Windows Movie Maker for Windows Vista. Enjoy…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
YouTube HQ Playback: uk.youtube.com The “&fmt=18” hack also works: uk.youtube.com High Definition videos take a lot longer to load … I personally think that the wait is well worth it. Try this with headphones on. This was recorded during a practice session using a cheap webcam to see if the result could be converted into 1280 x 720 format. The video was recorded using Windows Movie Maker and then transcoded into 1280 x 720p resolution using a freeware video conversion tool. This has resulted in horizontal elongation. The audio was converted into AAC format @ 256 Kbps. The video stream is @ 2048 Kbps – which explains why the video takes so long to load. The “&fmt=22” hack is only suitable for fast processors and high speed internet connections. Using the “&fmt=22” hack allows the viewer to hear the guitar at its’ best. This video clearly demonstrates that you do not have to spend a lot of money on expensive equipment to produce a video with decent audio. Further details available on request.
Video Rating: 4 / 5