Video Manipulation Could Make Regular People TV Producers


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a two-hour program if you’re willing to work 18-hour days.  After awhile, it should take less time when you use all the coding as a form of audio and video shorthand.   A weekly series or a series of video books may take only ten minutes to produce a minute of video programming.  The computer will do more of the work and get use to the scanning and programming format.  

If images of real actors are used or copyrighted material, video rights will have to be paid just like audo rights to recorded information needs to have producers pay for the right to use it.  This will be especially true if the video is being sold to the publc.  But once all the rights are paid, the producer will be able to make copies to sell, if he chooses.  People will become TV producers or video authors and sell programs to video stores or even networks just like people

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