Video Tools and Applications


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and once its published all you will then have to do is create a new pod cast or just update your pod cast RSS feed, after this you can then promote, announce and syndicate your content. Video tools will help you to boost your marketing drive because now you don’t have to spend millions on a TV advert which are expensive so you can save a lot of money using very basic equipment like a digital camera, a microphone and a video tool, further more you don’t have to pay for airtime to show your advert all you need to do is publish it and it will always be there for everyone to see.

Video tools are also because thy will help you to increase the traffic to your website because every time that you post new video content onto the internet the video tool will help you to notify a long list of popular services such as Odeo, Syndic8, Ping-0-Matic, Feedster, PodNova, Apple

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