Well, I feel like I lost my firey passion for film. Or well maybe my love of film idk…?
Question by : Well, I feel like I lost my firey passion for film. Or well maybe my love of film idk…?
I still want to work in film and I still want to make movies and provide entertainment and escapism and have people like my stuff. Like this is still all I can see myself doing and being happy doing, because I have to be doing something creative and this like, film is just it for me!! yet I will still over think it and doubt!! but I know that it is it for me!! like that’s where I see myself going, because it puts together everything artistic into one awesome show and tremendous display!!!! I got so passionate and my reason for wanting to be in film was that my passion came from the escapism of film and just UGH! It got me through a lot of hard times and were like my therapy and sadly the movies were my best of friends a good bit of the time and I wanted to provide that for people by telling awesome cool and interesting stories that they would love and get lost in so everything outside that theatre, whatever happened prior to them getting that ticket and sitting down, whatever problems and troubles that are going on, completely disappear and they are emerged in this other world/place. I don’t know what to think though now. I will have a good bit of times where I doubt myself and just its hard to explain, like I am not going to give up, but I feel I over think on everything, for any movie and just the stuff I come up with because I want everything perfect. That then for some reason makes me doubt what the film I am watching is and why I or other people like it, and it can be movies that I loved/adored, I will for some reason doubt them because I over think them and I guess I have become very critical and I analyze everything, EVERYTHING! I look at every detail of a film. Like I have not in a while been able to totally get lost in the movies and feel that escapism when I go to the theatre or watch a movie anywhere. Like it’s hard to explain, it’s not that I don’t think any of the movies I see are bad now or aren’t good but UGH!! I used to get so pumped when I found a film that I got lost in and that further established my passion for filmmaking and reinstilled it in my soul. The fact I have not had that in a little while, where I can sit and watch a film and totally forget I was watching a film and can just be entertained and happy/content without over thinking and over analyzing and looking at every detail where it feels like I am just studying and taking notes on them idk how to explain it so I am sorry about that. And that is making me sad and doubting/doubtful and ugh..I have no idea what’s up or wrong or how to fix this, cause I can’t stop my brain from just going all over the place. But nothing has changed I think on how I still get excited about when I read up on films and I am keeping my eye on ones that go into production and news surrounding them, and then how they made all of them and them making the movies and seeing how it’s being done, all the workings on it and how they draw everything out/all the brain storming, their techniques and I do love seeing how work goes on at the sets and stuff. Idk, is there any thoughts out there on this?? Anything that can put a finger on whats up or I have no clue what I am asking in that sense but still, anyway just thoughts I guess…sigh
Best answer:
Answer by DosCentavos
Is there a question in here? Stop watching movies, grab a $ 200 point and shoot that takes videos and go to town.
The Blair Witch project was produced with almost no budget and became a cult hit. At the time I believed they were using VHS. You have digital now and have your own film studio on a laptop….just go shoot some footage.
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