what are some good free softwares for a movie?
Question by Michael: what are some good free softwares for a movie?
Ok so i am wondering…. what are some really great the best free software’s to download for a movie. Like for special effects the best editing software. I have a movie i am wanting to do. And there is a part where i need to make a couple of special effect like a ghost which is like misty type. I also need one where i can add a arrow into my scene looking like it is going into someones chest. What is the best free software i can use for this. I want the best editing and special effects software.
Best answer:
Answer by James Gordon
there are many video editing software,they have free versions but the software publisher make sure they don’t put anything for professional work(sale strategy)instead they only give you the basic tools so you can familiarise before buying the full version. if you are willing to pay my suggestion is adobe after effect and adobe premiere pro…i’ve been using these two to edit my animations for a year now and i’m making a good impression on graphic design companies…expensive but worth it
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